Last week I went through a brownie phase and ended up having one every day for an entire week, and since I had just gotten back from holidays I was too lazy to make them so I went to several difference places and sampled theirs. One thing I found was if I take a couple of bites it's great, but if I were to eat a whole one, it was way too sweet, so tonight I thought I'd make some that wasn't as sweet, but just as rich and yummy. These took 10 mins to make and tastes great!
Reading articles like this just renews my love for Bikram Yoga, owner of Bikram Yoga D15 in Dublin, Anne Marie found out she was pregnant in 2012, but what should have been an joyous time turned out to be full of challenges when she found out she had an aggressive breast cancer and a tumour the size of a grapefruit.
I first met Jeanne Heaton at my teacher training back in 2011. She had such an inspiration story of both her personal and yoga journey. After getting addicted to drugs, she was in and out of rehab facilities until she found the healing benefits of Bikram Yoga. She started One Posture at a Time, a recovery program and mission to help those who are also addicts. This lady now travels around the country, teaching classes, raising awareness and helping those who are truly in need. Just another story of how wonderful Bikram Yoga is!
Still drooling over the tacos I made few weeks ago, I thought I'd prepare a lighter version by making it into a salad bowl, and then adding some corn into the salsa as corn is just so delicious and what's Mexican food without some corn! I found some chilli lime tortilla chips in the grocery store, or you can use plain corn ones as well, or omit them altogether and just enjoy the fillings and sides.
I was at the Subi markets Saturday morning and I came upon some shimeji mushrooms so I got some and decided to have it for lunch, and what a great idea that turned out to be. These mushrooms are more flavoursome than the normal cremini mushrooms, but not as over powering as shiitake, and since they are much smaller, they actually soak up other flavours really well. You can substitute with a mix of different mushrooms, cremini, field, shiitake and enoki if you like. The stock makes a nice gravy which adds to the pilaf texture and the edamame beans gives it a nice crunch. I found some in Woolworths in the Japanese sushi station they now have set up.
For Chinese New Year my family and I went to a Thai restaurant to celebrate, as non of us are a fan of the Chinese food served in restaurants, and had a delicious meal of papaya salad with several curries. While the food was delicious the amount of salt and palm sugar they put into the food showed the next day as we were all a little bit puffy and bloated. Thai flavours are so nice though, so I thought it was better if I made my own. The sauce is what defines this dish, the peanuts and spices gives it a lovely kick and the crunchy components of the salad brings all the flavours together nicely!
Tamarind sauce can be easily found in Asian stores, however if you don't have access to it you can omit it. The rest of the dressing ingredients are sufficient, what it does so is give it a savoury sweet flavour traditional to Thai cuisine. This recipe makes about 4 side salad servings, or you can have it as a main as it is filling. I often make up some quinoa and have it with this salad for a main meal.
"I am not what happened to me,
I am what I choose to become" Carl Gustave Jung I'm Binny, a full time Bikram Yoga teacher and studio owner that lives in Perth, Australia.
I started this blog to share the things I love the best in the world: being healthy and happy, food (especially raw), yoga, traveling and most importantly, learning how to love and be true to myself. I suffered from severe digestive problems when I was younger, being gluten and lactose intolerant, and developed compartment syndrome and fibromyalgia in my teens. I have lived with constant pain for over 16 years now. Over the past 10 years, I've shifted to a mainly plant based diet and realised that being well and healthy is a way of life. I have been teaching Bikram yoga since 2011, in the US and Australia. Due to my health issues I've also had a lot of bodywork done as well as explored alternative therapies. I've become much more aware of myself as a result of all this - physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. Right now I love my life. In my career I love what I do and I do what I love. I have traveled to some amazing places around the world and made lifelong friends. In between working and traveling, I cook up a storm in the kitchen, especially raw desserts, spend time with the people I love the best, which now includes a yoga husband, a mini yogini Estell, and our dog! I try to listen to my body the best I can. I truly believe that we all have the power and the capabilities to heal our own bodies, to nourish the spirit and seek our own happiness and life's purpose. This my journey... Archives
August 2019