The hot summer days are perfect for cooling fresh green salads and today is no exception. My friend Blair who is a vegan cooked this up today and it's delicious. A wonderful mix of nutritious healthy greens like kale, spinach, cucumbers and celery, mixed with mushrooms and an array of aromatic spices like fennel and caraway seeds turns simple vegetables into a delicious healthy meal!
A well written detailed guide to Bikram Yoga including several videos. A great starting point if you've never tried, or a refresher for those who already practice!
I love this piece asking children what they think love is. Children are so pure of heart, and as Emerson so eloquently put it:
"We find delight in the beauty and happiness of children that makes the heart too big for the body" These pictures are fantastic! The artist was inspired during a 30 day Bikram Yoga Challenge, see how yoga isn't just physical? When you establish a regular practice you'll often find that your mind declutters and without the millions of thoughts that flood your head you are suddenly inspired or have the energy to do other more productive things. When we begin to alleviate the stress and worry in our lives, we open ourselves up to new possibilities.
These healthy alternatives taste like a chocolate brownie, seriously, they are amazing. After I had cut them all into square snack sizes and tasted one, I reconsidered blending it back together and making one huge big brownie and devouring the whole thing.
Bikram Yoga to me is the perfect 90min open eyed meditation. The mental concentration and focus needed is something that comes with time, practice and persistence. This article looks at how meditation and yoga affects people, as well as the benefits received. Sometimes it's good to get a scientific point of view and break it down so we know exactly how yoga affects our minds.
My garden right now is brimming over with kale, so it goes inside my smoothies, juices, stir fries, salads and also soups. Even though it's summer here, there's been a few windy nights which have made this light yet warm dish perfect. It tastes great cold too as it's vegetables only with no oils. I have this as a main meal mostly, it is quite filling or have it as a lovely side dish to some cold salad.
I made this a few weeks ago to with a burrito bowl made with tempeh and cauliflower rice. Coriander is one of the easiest herbs to grow in the garden and I think it's a great herb to add to any dish. Combined with the lime and avocado it's the perfect companionship for tacos, guacamole, salsa, or add it into a salad for a complimentary dressing.
This was one of my lazy dinner nights, where I couldn't be bothered cooking. I had a few beets in the fridge so I threw them in the oven to roast and when they were done I stirred up some cauliflower rice and added avocado. Not a lot of ingredients required, but it certainly is tasty, and the garlic certainly gives it a nice kick! If you're worried about the strong smell of garlic, either add less, or chew on some basil or parsley leaves to neutralize strong taste.
This detailed article looks at how yoga changes the body, from the day you start, to years after you are still practicing. The mind-body practice is frequently touted for its ability to reduce stress and boost well-being, but it also offers wide-ranging physical health benefits that rival other forms of exercise. While the scientific research on yoga's health benefits is still young, here's what we know so far about its potential effects on the body. Being healthy is a way of life, it's a choice we make in our daily lives for the rest of our lives!
"I am not what happened to me,
I am what I choose to become" Carl Gustave Jung I'm Binny, a full time Bikram Yoga teacher and studio owner that lives in Perth, Australia.
I started this blog to share the things I love the best in the world: being healthy and happy, food (especially raw), yoga, traveling and most importantly, learning how to love and be true to myself. I suffered from severe digestive problems when I was younger, being gluten and lactose intolerant, and developed compartment syndrome and fibromyalgia in my teens. I have lived with constant pain for over 16 years now. Over the past 10 years, I've shifted to a mainly plant based diet and realised that being well and healthy is a way of life. I have been teaching Bikram yoga since 2011, in the US and Australia. Due to my health issues I've also had a lot of bodywork done as well as explored alternative therapies. I've become much more aware of myself as a result of all this - physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. Right now I love my life. In my career I love what I do and I do what I love. I have traveled to some amazing places around the world and made lifelong friends. In between working and traveling, I cook up a storm in the kitchen, especially raw desserts, spend time with the people I love the best, which now includes a yoga husband, a mini yogini Estell, and our dog! I try to listen to my body the best I can. I truly believe that we all have the power and the capabilities to heal our own bodies, to nourish the spirit and seek our own happiness and life's purpose. This my journey... Archives
August 2019