Olive oil has some wonderful health benefits. It's a main ingredient in the Mediterranean diet and Australia produces some wonderful flavours. When buying olive oil always go for extra virgin cold pressed variety, this is the premium grade, made from pressing of the olives.
Consumption of olive oil reduces cardiovascular risk factors, high blood pressure, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis and inflammation, benefiting and boosting the immune system and helping to protect the body against viruses and strokes. When I was in Rome last year I had olive oil with everything I ate and I really developed a liking for it. At home I usually use coconut oil if I'm cooking so recently when I had a hankering after the robust flavour of olives, I decided to make some ice cream. It might sound strange, but olive oil ice cream is absolutely delicious. I used coconut and cashews as the base for the icecream so it came out rich and creamy, but with a savoury flavour. This I balanced with a salted caramel sauce I whipped up.
Nori wraps are so easy to make and delicious at the same time. It takes about 5 mins to prepare one so if you're on the go or need something quick, it's the perfect snack item or make a few more and turn it into a healthy dinner.
I had some leftover cashew & kale pesto from the raw pizza I made the other night so I thought I'd throw that all in with some salad items. I didn't have any nut cheese on hand and was lazy so all I did was add some nutritional yeast which still gave it a 'cheezy' flavour whilst having the crunchiness and freshness of salads. I try to add a bit of sauerkraut to all salad items since they are a great probiotic and helps provide the gut with good bacteria. You can easily purchase raw sauerkraut from an organic or health food store, or simply make your own! ![]() The Subiaco Farmers Market located at the Subiaco Primary School is on every Saturday from 8am-10am, offering organic, bio-dynamic fresh goodies in a relaxed, village like setting. It has a great atmosphere for both adults and children, offering live music, local stallholders with homemade goodies, fresh farm produce, specialty foods and more. My usual Saturday mornings start with Dad and I visiting the Subiaco Station Market for groceries, then to the Farmers Market to get specialty food items. Eye of the Beholder from The Upthink Lab on Vimeo. A beautiful video shot in the landscapes of North America. Sometimes you have to take a step back to get a perspective on life...
Basil is my herb of the month right now. Pesto usually consists of parmesan cheese which i can't eat so I thought I'd try it out with cashews instead. I made this pesto for the mushroom basil pizza I had the other night, it's not the typical pesto with pinenuts and basil, I thought I'd get creative with more greens and go for a more creamier texture with the cashews. Turned out to be great, I had a large amount leftover so I used it for a nori wrap as well.
This is an article written by one of the students who goes to the Victoria Park Bikram Studio. So many people suffer from sleeping problems, and often we don't realise how much sleep can actually affect the way we feel. It is essential for normal functioning of all bodily systems and affects a person's mental and physical health. I have suffered from insomnia since I was in my teens and when I get it I have it for 2-3 months at a time. Yoga is a great way to help relieve that, even boosting energy levels so that when sleep deprived, we can still be mentally alert and energized!
I was at the Subiaco Farmer's Market over the weekend and gotten a small dehydrated pizza base from the Little Shop of Plenty, and thought it was the perfect time to make a raw pizza. I was in the mood for mushrooms and had an abundance of basil so I thought I'd combine the two and make a mushroom basil pizza and get Mykal who has been eating way too many Maccas burgers lately to come over and dine with me.
Almonds are the healthiest of tree nuts, there are so many health benefits and you only need to incorporate a little bit into your diet. I often use it in my desserts and cheeses, but once in a while I make up almond milk; it's creamy, tasty and without all the side effects of dairy. Being lactose intolerant, milk makes me tired and sluggish, my throat tightens and I get all phlegmy, plus I don't like the taste of milk, even as a child, I'd avoid it. However almond milk, now that's a whole other story!
My first day out of the hot room in a couple of months, today was a day of decadence and chill mode. Started the day at the markets with Dad, then off to breakfast with the parents for some organic goodness at Solomon's Cafe, followed by a movie with Mykal and then home to make my weekly dessert - a raw lemon poppyseed cake!
"I am not what happened to me,
I am what I choose to become" Carl Gustave Jung I'm Binny, a full time Bikram Yoga teacher and studio owner that lives in Perth, Australia.
I started this blog to share the things I love the best in the world: being healthy and happy, food (especially raw), yoga, traveling and most importantly, learning how to love and be true to myself. I suffered from severe digestive problems when I was younger, being gluten and lactose intolerant, and developed compartment syndrome and fibromyalgia in my teens. I have lived with constant pain for over 16 years now. Over the past 10 years, I've shifted to a mainly plant based diet and realised that being well and healthy is a way of life. I have been teaching Bikram yoga since 2011, in the US and Australia. Due to my health issues I've also had a lot of bodywork done as well as explored alternative therapies. I've become much more aware of myself as a result of all this - physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. Right now I love my life. In my career I love what I do and I do what I love. I have traveled to some amazing places around the world and made lifelong friends. In between working and traveling, I cook up a storm in the kitchen, especially raw desserts, spend time with the people I love the best, which now includes a yoga husband, a mini yogini Estell, and our dog! I try to listen to my body the best I can. I truly believe that we all have the power and the capabilities to heal our own bodies, to nourish the spirit and seek our own happiness and life's purpose. This my journey... Archives
August 2019