Making a raw cake for a get together often presents the problem of satisfying everyone's taste buds, but seriously, who doesn't like chocolate and blueberries right? It's summer right now and the hot weather calls for something lighter so what's better than sweet juicy blueberries. Combined with a thin layer of dark chocolate ganache and topped with a light lemon cashew cream, each bite of this dessert is quite the experience!
With the 30/60 day Bikram challenge coming to an end last week, and I was teaching both classes on the last day, I thought I'd make a treat for the hard working yogis. Sometimes it's hard to make one thing that everyone will like so I thought a combination of something light like a creamy orange combined with dark chocolate would hopefully satisfy everyone's taste buds. The coconut milk and cashews gives the orange a light flavour which takes the edge off the chocolate ganache, and this was very easy to make, took about 20 mins for the whole thing. Turned out to be a success - lots of happy yogis!
There's nothing better than fresh coconut water straight from the real thing, but usually you are left with all the meat which has some wonderful health benefits, so why not use it to make creamy, dairy free yogurt! It will take you less than 10 mins to make this, all you need is a good blender and through the fermentation process you also get a good dose of probiotics which is so good for the gut system!
"I am not what happened to me,
I am what I choose to become" Carl Gustave Jung I'm Binny, a full time Bikram Yoga teacher and studio owner that lives in Perth, Australia.
I started this blog to share the things I love the best in the world: being healthy and happy, food (especially raw), yoga, traveling and most importantly, learning how to love and be true to myself. I suffered from severe digestive problems when I was younger, being gluten and lactose intolerant, and developed compartment syndrome and fibromyalgia in my teens. I have lived with constant pain for over 16 years now. Over the past 10 years, I've shifted to a mainly plant based diet and realised that being well and healthy is a way of life. I have been teaching Bikram yoga since 2011, in the US and Australia. Due to my health issues I've also had a lot of bodywork done as well as explored alternative therapies. I've become much more aware of myself as a result of all this - physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. Right now I love my life. In my career I love what I do and I do what I love. I have traveled to some amazing places around the world and made lifelong friends. In between working and traveling, I cook up a storm in the kitchen, especially raw desserts, spend time with the people I love the best, which now includes a yoga husband, a mini yogini Estell, and our dog! I try to listen to my body the best I can. I truly believe that we all have the power and the capabilities to heal our own bodies, to nourish the spirit and seek our own happiness and life's purpose. This my journey... Archives
August 2019