I got this idea for this salad during my recent trip back to Dallas, Dallas is a great place for food. Not much else to do there other than eat! I love it there though, the people are absolutely amazing, so warm and friendly, combine that with great food and you've got me!
Note that the walnuts should be pre soaked. I always do a big batch, then dry them so I have some whenever I wish to use it. Deactivated nuts are much easier to digest and especially with walnuts you'll notice the bitter aftertaste disappear after it's been soaked. It makes a huge difference in the taste. This salad was so tasty, I gave my mum a bite to taste and then refused to share any more haha. Enjoy guys!
Warm Brussels Sprouts Walnut Salad with
Sweet Mustard Poppyseed Dressing
8 brussels sprouts
1/2 cup walnut (soaked 6hrs)
1 TBS olive oil
1//2 tsp celtic sea salt
4 TBS sweet mustard poppyseed dressing

2. You can either use a mandolin slicer, or if you have good knife skills, get a sharp knife and thinly slice and cut the brussels sprouts lengthways so that they are finely shredded
3. Roughly chop the walnuts into bite-able sizes, you don't want them too small as it provides a good contrast to the soft sprouts
3. Heat the olive oil in a pan, add the sprouts and walnuts and stir on high for 5 mins, any longer and they'll get too mushy. 5 mins ensures that they are soft but still retain texture and flavour. You may have to add a little bit of water, I used about 2 TBS which will help soften the sprouts. Be careful not to add too much as they do have a bit of water themselves
4. Place in a large bowl and combine well with 4 TBS of the sweet mustard dressing. You can either serve it warm, or leave a let it cool down for a nice cold salad!