And when you bring that effort every single day,
that’s where transformation happens,
that’s how change occurs.
Where did this concept of perfection come into our lives? The need to look, act, present as ‘perfect’ in order to feel good about ourselves and in order for others to think highly of us. Especially in yoga class; where the goal is self-healing through therapeutic means, which occurs when you try the postures the right way, giving it your best effort for the day.
There is no such thing as a perfect posture – every day your body will change, every day something will be different from the day before and the trick is to simply let go of what you think you know, how you think it should be, and just try, one baby step at a time, until those baby steps lead to the big breakthroughs.
So instead of being so hard on yourself, aiming for the illusion of perfection, change your thought patterns.
- If you walk into room with no expectations, then you have everything to gain.
- Instead of focusing on the things you can’t do, celebrate the things you can do.
- Practice with the knowledge that YOU are creating change and ultimately bettering yourself.
- Love absolutely everything about you, because there is only one unique, special YOU, that is perfect just the way you are!
Recently I have been asked to be a regular blogger on Mantra Mats, a new mat company started by Rosanna Susanto here in Perth. Here's an small excerpt which explains their concept -
The colours resonate with the 7 major chakras of energy in the body. We use mantras to awaken your chakras by moving energy, allowing you to realign your energy to create the happiness, love, success and fulfilment you deserve.
By practicing a form of physical activity, be it meditation, yoga or simply jumping up and down on your Mantra Mat, you allow your mind to be open to subconscious conditioning. Healing takes place in relaxation and what better way to engage your chakras by connecting the pleasures of your heart to the movement of the body!