Bikram aside, let's address ALL yoga styles... It takes a lot to be humble, to take your ego down several notches and not walk into ANY yoga room thinking you know better. I have to say, personally I prefer Bikram classes, however when I walk into an Ashtanga class, or a Yin class, I don't think 'why don't you do it like this', or 'it's better this way', or 'I'm just going to do it my way', instead, I listen and try to do it the way I've been told or shown, as it simply comes down to respecting that particular style of yoga. Who cares if the Bikram Trikansana is different from the Ashtanga style, in a Bikram class do it their way, in an Ashtanga class do it their way.
In saying that, it's also important as teachers to teach the right style for the students . If you're in a Bikram studio, despite whatever other trainings you have, teach Bikram. If you're in Ashtanga, don't throw some Iyengar postures into there because you think it's 'cool' or want to mix it up. The students who pay to learn, to give you their time, their trust, as teachers, let them have a honest chance at that style of yoga.
So whether you practice or teach, stay true to the form, stay present, be humble and just try the right way.