Plantains are a great alternative to potatoes. Whereas sweet potatoes are softer and much sweeter, plantain has a firmer starchy consistency and mild flavour. They are also very versatile, best eaten cooked, they can be fried, mashed, caramelised to suit any dish.
Salty Mashed Patacones (Plantain Chips)
3 green plantains
olive oil
Himalayan pink salt
2. Cut into half
3. In a large pot boil enough water to cover them and put the chunks in. Boil for 20 - 25 mins under tender. Leave them in the hot water but turn off the heat
4. Take one out, cut again in half, then gently fresh down with a cleaver or large flat spatula until it's mashed down into a circular chip. This is the tricky part. I use a cleaver for everything and it's the perfect width - I found the easiest way is gently push down until 1/2 inch thick, then slowly slide the blade away to maintain the shape. This is why the plantain should be cooked well, otherwise if it's not tender enough it'll tend to break apart
5. Repeat this with the others. One plantain will make 4 chips. I tend to mash 3 or 4 then cook them, before doing another batch. Make as many will fit into the frying pan is usually the best way to go
6. In a frying pan heat up enough oil to cover the pan, these chips will soak it up quickly. Once the oil is hot gently use a spatula and put enough chips to fill the pan. Sprinkle a generous amount of salt onto the chips, turn the heat to low med and cover. It will take around 3 - 4 mins each side depending on the thickness. The thinner it is the crispier it will be as well
7. Flip over and salt again, the cover for a further 3 - 4 mins. There's no need to add oil for the second side as the plantain will have soaked it through
8. Once it's done, carefully take out and put onto paper towels to soak up excess oil. Repeat the process until all the plantain is gone
* The first few tries you mash it chips it might fall apart of not be a great circular shape but it's all good, push the bits together and still fry them. They'll taste great either way and it only takes a few before you'll get the hang of it