500g golden beetroot
500g red beetroot
80g sunflower seeds
90ml maple syrup
4 TBS sherry vinegar
4 TBS olive oil
2 crushed garlic cloves
20g chervil leaves (more to garnish)
60g baby chard leaves, baby spinach or rocket
coarse sea salt and black pepper
2. Check each one, as cooking time can vary a lot: the beetroot should be tender when pierced with a sharp knife
3. Spread the sunflower seeds out in an ovenproof dish and toast in the oven alongside the beets for 8 mins, just until lightly coloured.
4. Once the beets are ready, unwrap them and peel with a small knife while still warm.
5. Cut each into halves, or 2-3cm dice. Mix the beets with the rest of the ingredients in the bowl.
6. Toss well and then taste. Season if needed.
There should be a clear sweetness balanced by enough salt. Adjust the salt and pepper as necessary, sprinkle more with chervil and serve!