This is delicious on its own, or mix it with fruit and granola, or even ferment it for a little longer and use it in place of sour cream for soups, or add it to salads dressings as well. I put this into two jars and I'll eat a whole jar in one sitting. If you are allergic to nuts, I also have a recipe for a coconut yogurt :)
Raw Cashew Yogurt
1 1/2 cups raw cashew soaked
1 cup filtered water
2 TBS maple syrup
1 TBS vanilla extract
1/8 tsp Himalayan sea salt
1/2 tsp probiotic powder or 3 probiotic capsules
2. Add the cashews to the blender with the rest of the ingredients and blend on high for about 3-5 mins until the mixture is completely smooth. The texture is the most important part of the process
3. Pour into a dry glass jar or container that has been sterilised with hot water, and cover with a clean muslin or cloth. Make sure you only fill the jar half way, once it starts fermenting the mixture will rise
4. Place the container into a dark cupboard for about 48hrs depending on how tangy you want the yogurt to taste
5. After it's set stir it again and store it in the fridge, this well also help it thicken. This will last about a week in the fridge
* If you want to have a slight sweeter version with added flavours, then ferment for 24hrs, as your stir it add your fruits and granola and then chill in the fridge
* So below you can see the fermentation process. The first is after 24hrs, then second just before 48hrs and then third was around 2 1/2 days. The mixture rose up but after you stir it it will remove all the bubbles as well as deflate, and refrigerating it will help thicken the yoghurt