I am allergic to dairy so nut milks are the perfect solution and they are so easy to make. Invest in a nut milk bag, it will change your life :) My favourite is from Synergy Living, which is based locally in WA in Dunsborough. I use to make a lot of almond milk but recently have changed over the cashew milk since I don't need a nut bag for that at all. It blends up so well and it's super quick. This recipe makes about a liter, I like my milk to be creamier so the ratio I use is 1:3. You can always start with 3 cups of water and blend, then add more water to suit how you prefer it. This will be good in the fridge for about 5 days. There will be some date pieces left at the bottom, I usually just spoon that out and eat it as a treat!
Raw Cashew Milk
1 cup raw cashews (soaked 6hrs)
4 cups water
2 medijool dates
1/2 tsp vanilla essence