The challenge came in the form of the cheese. I wanted something peppery yet crumbly so I decided to use cashews to make a soft creme cheese. Here's the separate recipe, this is great on anything, flat breads, pizzas, salads, or use it as a dip for veggie sticks.
Combined together, it was a great combination of freshness and heartiness. Very satisfying and delicious!
Raw Avocado & Tomato Pizza
Marinated Mushrooms 2 large field mushrooms 3 TBS olive oil 3 TBS apple cider 1 TBS balsamic glaze 2 tsp maple syrup 1 tsp tamari 1 tsp oregano 1 tsp parsley Tomato Marinara 1/2 cup sundried tomato 1/2 tomato 1 medijool date 2 TBS olive oil 1/4 tsp garlic handful of basil leaves 1/4 tsp italian spices 1/4 tsp oregano Topping handful of spinach marinated mushrooms 2 tomatoes 1 avocado raw black pepper cashew creme cheese balsamic glaze to decorate Dehydrated pizza base 3 cups sprouted buckwheat 1 1/2 cup flax seed 1/2 cup olive oil 1 1/2 cup carrot pulp or mixed vegetable pulp garlic, herbs spices to taste 2 tsp sea salt * note that this pizza base recipe makes several bases |

2. Blend up the ingredients for the marinara and spread over the pizza base
3. Spread spinach leaves over the marinara
4. Spread marinated mushrooms over the top
5. Slice up tomatoes into thin slices and cover the whole base, I did two layers
6. Slice up avocados and add on top
7. Crumble up the creme cheese and put on top, add however much you want depending on taste, decorate with balsamic glaze
6. Heated oven to 40˚C and put in to warm for 10-15 mins (optional)