Kale is high in fiber, iron, Vitamin K, A & C, low in calories and has zero fat. Per calorie it has more iron than beef and more calcium than milk. It's a good source of potassium, manganese, phosphorus and copper.
Cucumbers are 95% water so it helps to hydrate the body as well as eliminate toxins. They are a good source of vitamin B, making it a quick pick-me-up.
Silverbeet or swiss chard provides a good dose of green chlorophyll and offers benefits for blood sugar control, it's antioxidant rich and is a great source of calcium.
Celery has wonderful anti-inflammatory properties and is a negative calorie vegetable, with one large stalk containing only 10 calories! The high water content helps aid digestion, combined with the insoluble fiber in it. It contains diuretic and cleansing properties as well good salts for the body to maintain healthy electrolytes.
Apples are full of a fiber called pectin, giving it a unique quality of lowering blood fat, important in the prevention of heart disease. Regular intake of apples gives a high dose of antioxidants, supporting the cardiovascular system, regulating blood sugar and lowering the risks of many chronic heart disease.
On the Go Green Juice
7 stalks celery
6 stalks silver beet/chard
8 stalks kale (either curly or tuscan)
3 small cucumbers
2 fuji apples
1 lemon
Cold pressed juicers crush and squeeze the juices from fruits and vegetables which means you get the most out of what you are juicing. The nutrients are intact and and the juices stay fresh. I don't find it an issue to have to cut the produce up into smaller pieces and cleaning it is super quick and easy! I normally juice enough for 3 days, make sure they are bottled separately and each 3 day batch takes me about 20-30 mins from cutting everything up, to juicing, to cleaning up at the end.